I think all of us have been naughty unless once in our lives. And if not, I have a big notice for you; you are one of the most boring persons in the planet! Obviously there are people that commit more pranks than others and there are different kinds and levels of pranks. My parents say I am one of the naughtiest persons in this world. But I think that every dad and mom thinks his or her son or daughter is the naughtiest kid. Anyways I think I will give myself a 9.9 in a scale of 10 in the gravity of my pranks. How would you score yourself? Or maybe the correct question is: How would your parents grade you?
I am naughty since I was little. I thought before writing this, about one particular example, but there are many other pranks I just can`t omit. One of the first ones was when I was like one year old. My mother said she was working while I played in the floor. But she noticed that I was mysteriously quiet and I was anymore in the same room with her. She called me and I didn`t answered, I just stayed quiet while my mom looked for me a little concerned already. Suddenly she heard a big noise, like if there had been a little explosion in the house. She immediately ran to the room from which it came from and found me sitting still in the floor. I was sitting next to a socket, which had smoke coming out from it. When my mother moved closer she saw a black and twisted spoon stocked in the socket. Then she looked at me to see if I was all right, and all I said after threading that spoon in the socket and being nearly electrified was: se enojo la luz (light got angry).
A half year had passed when my mom noticed, again I was to quiet. But this time, since I was older, when she asked me what I was doing I said: nava (nothing). Then she saw a lot of black hairs coming out of the back part of the living room couch. And when she got near she saw the disaster! I had cut my hair with her scissors and also my poor dog`s hair. I wasn`t too bad, but my mascot was all full of spaces without hair, and even its skin could be seen. That time I was spoiled, and my mother said a phrase I would never let her forget: “Why did you do this to the dog? It loves you a lot!” And after that, every time I did something to my poor dog and my mother spoiled me I said: “It loves me a lot”.
When I got two my parents sent me to school, I didn`t cried in my first day, but they said I looked at them really offended. This was one of my most naughty years. I bit my classmates daily, and my mom spent half of her time writing apologizing notes to the parents of the victims. It didn`t matter I was the smallest one in my class, I always fighted for the things I wanted. No one in the kinder garden got safe from me, I even bite my best friend Julito but I was too proud to apologize and I said he had hit me with the lunge box before. One day when the celebration of Valentine’s Day was made in my kinder my parents received a phone call. There had passed only 2 hours when they had to pick me up from school to drive me to the hospital. What happened was that I found a chili plant in the school named “chiltepe” and I started playing with its juice. But all of a sudden my eyes started itching so when I scratched them all the chili`s hot juice fell into my eyes and it really burned. My mom asked the director how could they had a chili plant in a kinder garden, but she said the chili plant was in a special garden that was locked and only she had the key. And everybody was trying to discover how I, a two year old, found the way in.
Obviously I made hundreds of pranks after these ones for example I destroyed a statue. I was 4 years old and I was in a museum with my parents. There was a huge bronze statue in the entrance that was the face of the museum. Its art was that it was made of many bronze arms that were putted in top of the others and weren`t welded they just stand up for their perfect balance. But when I saw it I just saw a perfect place to lie down and take a break, but I misbalanced it and all the bronze arms got separated and fell into the floor. That day we didn`t entered to the museum, but I learned the reason of the posters that say “don`t touch”. So, tell me, have you ever learned from one of your pranks?
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